Remember why you read a blog. Others do the same.
want to read fun and interesting blogs. Yours better be one or both of
those things. If it is not, just like you, nobody is going to bother
reading it. Baby pictures and photos of your vacation are
great..once..but if that is all you keep bringing to the table people
will get bored with it. Content is key. Whether that is opinion, story,
entertainment or whatever it is that you do, it has to be interesting
to the reader.
If they cant read it in 10 minutes, it is too long.
people come to a blog, they are looking for something fairly quick. We
live in a sound bite world. They want you to get to the point fairly
fast and grab their attention right away. This isn't a novel, or War And
Peace. If you ramble on and lose them early, they simply will move on.
"Next". You got them to start reading, don't lose them by rambling on.
If you don't have photos or videos to jazz it up your words better be great.
of us grew up in the age of television. We are very visual. Sure, a lot
of us still like to read, but we read books when we want to read. You
need to break up the words with pictures and/or videos. In that way,
they stay interested and get a break while maintaining interest.
The title must be catchy. It means everything.
are thousands of blogs that any reader could choose to read. Even in my
blogger group, there are 15 to 20 to choose from each day. Nobody is
going to read them all. The title is going to make them look. If they
don't like your title, they will just pass it by. If they like it, they
will at least start reading to see if you maintain their interest. If
you do one thing right, do this. Put some effort into a catchy title.
You must network but don't tag anyone unless they ask you to.
places to post your blog. Find the types of people who want to read
what you write, what you have to say. But don't smother them and annoy
them like some overzealous telemarketer. Don't go and tag your entire
friend base. Find out who consistently likes your blog and then ask them
if they want to be tagged. Target those that want to be targeted. Let
the others decide on their own. Being pushy only gets you pushed out the
Post an excerpt to give them a taste.
a great, catchy title is one thing, and that is important as mentioned
above, but in addition, post something interesting from the blog to
give them a taste of what you are talking about. Make it short, 20 to 30
words. Just enough to make them want to read it, but not enough to make
them think they don't have to.
you are blogging, you are a writer. You aren't just posting aimless
status's and threads on facebook. Spelling errors are not acceptable. It
is very easy to catch spelling errors. I write my blogs on google and
it highlights any spelling mistake. It takes me less than 30 seconds to
fix them all. If you aren't willing to do that, then you should not be
blogging. People who read blogs expect you to put out that kind of
effort. The odd mistake will happen, but it should be very rare. If you
spell check then it won't.
Build your blogs. It takes time.
blogs start from a simple idea, thought or rant. But, it takes time to
build them into more than that. As busy writers we don't always have
the time to do that right away. A part here, an idea there, a sentence
here and there. You need to build that blog into something that will
keep the reader reading and coming back for your next one. That takes
time. Take the time to build the blog. When it is ready, or almost
ready, then you can go ahead and finish it, edit it, polish it and
present it as something that gets you noticed, admired and ultimately
Store ideas.
People who
write have lots of ideas. A great blog starts from a great idea from
which you can frame around to produce an entertaining and interesting blog.
You get many ideas from many places. Just store them all and go back to
them when you feel like it. I have hundreds of ideas stored. Some I
write up same day. Others I go back to in a week or two. Others sit for
months or years and I go back to them when I feel I have something fresh
to make them viable. Store them all. Deal with it later. You never know
when that great idea from way back is going to come back up to the
surface and be worthy of a complete blog. In that same vein, if you are
storing them and they sit forever and never get used, think about
trimming and deleting those that just never went anywhere. Not every
idea is a good one or works out. Some of the best blogs are the ones you
just didn't bother with. Use your energy for the winners not the
Know who your readers are.
you want to write political or theoretical blogs based on long
arguments with lots of proof go ahead and do that. But make sure the
readers who follow you are interested in that. If they are looking for
humor and light topics that is what they respond to. If you want to
change directions then build a different following. You don't
neccesarily write for others, but if you want to be read then you have
to consider who your followers are.
Proofread it or don't post it.
the average blog takes about 2 or 3 minutes. If you aren't willing to
take the time to do that then don't blog. The readers can sense that.
You might get away with it once or twice, with the odd small mistake or
typo, but long term you won't. Sloppy work shows and readers will go
elsewhere. This is the work you show others. Take pride in that and
don't give them a stupid reason, like lack of spelling or grammar, to
go elsewhere.
Make it personal. But not too personal. Just a taste or snippet.
who read blogs want to get to know you. Some part of it should be
personal. Maybe a quick story relating to the topic you are discussing.
They don't want to know intimate details, and it should not be the focus
of your blog, but if you give them a taste they feel like they know you
and are more likely to read that blog and come back looking to know
more about you and why you blog about what you do.
Variety. Mix it up.
blog about the same thing every day. Sure, everyone has their niche
topic and genre. But mix it up. Do something different every now and
then. The different thing you bring is your spin on it. You can only
spin one topic so many ways. After a while you just begin to sound like a
broken record. If you have talked about a subject and you have nothing
new to add, move on. If you don't, the readers will.
Story. It is not a story it is a blog unless you are promoting a story.
blog is a blog. Don't write a short story. If you have a story to
promote, put that in the title and let the readers decide if they want
to read your story. Generally, those that read blogs aren't looking to
read a story when they go looking. If you are going to do this, perhaps
just give a small sample of the story, and give them the link if they
want to read more later or at another time.
You are not Hemmingway and you never will be. So just write it. It is a blog not War and Peace.
It is highly unlikely that you are Hemmingway. In the unlikely event you
are Hemmingway, Hemmingway wrote novels. You are writing a blog. If you
want to be a novelist, go write a novel.
Don't be a copycat.
what you do best. Don't start copying others because you see they have
lots of followers and get attention. Just like any other form of art,
the copycat only gets attention because they copy, not because they
bring anything of value to the table. In most cases, they do inferior
work and what they are showing has been done before. To death. Do what
you do, not what others do.
Marketing is a must.
Just like anything, your blog is not going to get noticed right away. Secondly, if you don't promote it nobody will read it. Find
ways to get noticed. Seek out those who are avid readers. Build a base
of followers and get them to hook you up with others. They will likely
do that willingly. You yourself should be reading blogs and networking
with those people. They will lead you to more followers. As
long as you have the content to back up the promotion, the blog will
grow in following. But you can't let up. You must network and market
your work daily. It is hard work to market your blog successfully, but
if you don't it simply won't grow.
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